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Summarize SummarizedExperiment


# S3 method for class 'SummarizedExperiment'
summarise(.data, ..., .retain = c("auto", "ungrouped", "none"))



a SummarizedExperiment object,


expressions to summarize the object


This argument controls how rowData() or colData() is retained after summarizing. When "auto" (the default), .retain behavior depends on the groupings of .data. When exactly one dimension is grouped, "auto" behaves like "ungrouped-dim", and "none" otherwise. When "ungrouped-dim", the ungrouped dimension's data are retained in the resulting SummarizedExperiment object and scalar outputs are recycled to the length of the ungrouped dimension. When "none", all outputs are expected to be scalar and only computed values are retained in rowData() and colData()


an object inheriting SummarizedExperiment class


# outputs in assay context may be either
# length 1, or the length of the ungrouped
# dimension while .retain = "auto"/"ungrouped-dim"
se_simple |>
  group_by(rows(direction)) |>
  summarise(col_sums = colSums(counts),
            sample = sample(1:20, 1L))
#> # A SummarizedExperiment-tibble Abstraction: 2 × 4
#> # Groups: rows(direction)
#>   .features .samples | col_sums sample | direction | sample condition
#>       <int> <chr>    |    <dbl>  <int> | <chr>     | <chr>  <chr>    
#> 1         1 col_1    |       25     11 | -         | s1     cntrl    
#> 2         2 col_1    |       25     11 | +         | s1     cntrl    
#> 3         1 col_2    |       17     11 | -         | s2     cntrl    
#> 4         2 col_2    |       12     11 | +         | s2     cntrl    
#> 5         1 col_3    |       53     11 | -         | s3     drug     
#> 6         2 col_3    |       21     11 | +         | s3     drug     
#> 7         1 col_4    |       28     11 | -         | s4     drug     
#> 8         2 col_4    |       29     11 | +         | s4     drug     

# .retain = "none" will drop ungrouped dimensions and
# outputs of assay context should be length 1.
se_simple |>
  group_by(rows(direction)) |>
  summarise(col_sums = list(colSums(counts)),
            .retain = "none")
#> # A SummarizedExperiment-tibble Abstraction: 2 × 1
#> # Groups: rows(direction)
#>   .features .samples | col_sums  | direction |
#>       <int>    <int> | <list>    | <chr>     |
#> 1         1        1 | <dbl [4]> | -         |
#> 2         2        1 | <dbl [4]> | +         |

# using an `across()` function will help
# nest ungrouped dimensions
se_simple |>
  group_by(rows(direction)) |>
  summarise(col_sums = list(colSums(counts)),
            cols(across(everything(), list)),
             .retain = "none")
#> # A SummarizedExperiment-tibble Abstraction: 2 × 1
#> # Groups: rows(direction)
#>   .features .samples | col_sums  | direction | sample    condition
#>       <int>    <int> | <list>    | <chr>     | <list>    <list>   
#> 1         1        1 | <dbl [4]> | -         | <chr [4]> <chr [4]>
#> 2         2        1 | <dbl [4]> | +         | <chr [4]> <chr [4]>